Staff Day Partial Closure

The Library will be closed in the morning. Wednesday, December 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for staff training.

Cuentos en el Huerto de Calabazas parte 1

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Arts & Crafts, Español

Age Group:

Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
This is the first event of a series.
Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description

Event Details

Para toda la familia - Este programa es presentado en español.

Anímate en participar en nuestro primer huerto de cuentos. En la primera sesión todos los miembros de tu grupo familiar seleccionarán un personaje del cuento que más les guste, ustedes se llevarán a casa una calabaza para que la decoren de acuerdo al personaje del cuento que ustedes eligieron. En la segunda sesión traerán su calabaza en forma de personaje para realizar con ellos un huerto. Se otorgarán 3 premios a las calabazas más creativas del huerto.

Storybook Pumpkin Patch

Family program - This program is presented in Spanish

Come and participate in our first storybook pumpkin patch. In the first session, all members of your family will select a story book and a character from the story that you all like the most. You will take home a real pumpkin, decorate your pumpkin to look like your book character from the story that you chose. In the second session, you will bring back your decorated pumpkin to place it in our pumpkin patch. Three prizes will be awarded to the most creative pumpkins in the patch